
I'm Kasun Vimukthi

Personal Details

Address :

Kasun Vimukthi Chamara KANATHTHAGE,

Am Schäferanger 11 / 0211,

85764 Oberschleißheim

Languages :

Sinhala (Native user)

English (Professional user)

German (Beginner A1)

I am a

I am a skilled developer with over three years of experience in React, Node.js, and Next.js. Currently, I am pursuing a Master's degree in Informatics in Munich. My expertise lies in creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications using cutting-edge technologies. I am passionate about solving complex problems and contributing innovative solutions to projects. Let's collaborate and build something amazing together!

Key Highlights
  • Master of Informatics Student
  • React Developer
  • MERN Stack Developer
  • Open for working student positions

Tech Stack
  • Languages/Frameworks : Javascript, Python, C, R, Perl, MircoServices, Gatsby
  • Web development : Pure Javascript, ReactJS, EmberJS, Redux, HTML, ReactFlow, Node.js
  • Charts Libraries : Echarts, ReCharts, TradingView, C3 Charts
  • Web Styling : Bootstrap, Reactstrap, Material UI and Ant Design, CSS, SCSS
  • Databases : MSSQL, OracleDB, MongoDB
  • Designing tools : Figma, Adobe XD
  • Deployment tools : Docker, AWS, NGINX
  • Mobile Platforms : Cordova
  • Other Platforms : Google Analytics, Firebase

Work Expreience

3 years +

Senior Software Engineer

XGEN Group - Australia, Sri Lanka 2022 Feb - 2023 Feb

  • Framework Level Designing
    A web application for full automating loan origination systems Banks in both Australia and Sri Lanka. I have designed back-end core modules, integration of those modules to work as a single service unit and introduced proper life cycle's for the Node Server
  • Workflow Engine
    Workflow Engine is a service that manages loan application status (different stages of the loan application) and determines what to do with the application based on applicant history records and loan application configurations. I introduced a simple method of creating these interconnections using a drag-and-drop software tool to draw the workflow configuration in a dynamic way using ReactFlow.

Software Engineering (Part Time)

FNOTrader 2021 Oct - 2022 Feb

  • Futures and Options Trade Website
    FNOTRADER is a trading platform and Stock market data analysis platform for Indian future and options trading markets. I developed this website from the scratch using React and Redux. By introducing proper component decoupling and enhancements, I was able to support real-time updates of less than 1 ms data frequencies.

Software Engineering (Part Time)

SIAXE Technology 2021 Jun - 2021 Sep

  • Hotel Management system Website and client Website
    Developed an administrative and client application for a hotel management system for an Australian client to manage online ordering and dine-in customers in a restaurant. Implemented order handling and managing part in the client-side of the both applications using React and Redx

Software Engineer

DirectFN Sri Lanka 2020 Aug - 2022 Feb

  • Content Management System(CMS)
    Designed and Developed Components of CMS using React and Ember, both real-time and non-real-time components. Introduced some performance improvements in real time components
  • Boursa Kuwait Website, Mobile and Tab Applications
    In charge of Boursa Kuwait Mobile and Tab developments and Website real-time components. Implementation for push Notification for price alert of the trading application added using Firebase
  • Process and Deliveries
    Contributed to product/process documentation adhering to CMMI level 3 standards and deliveries handle for Boursa Kuwait Web, Mobile, Tab applications, and Redmed Securities in Morocco. All these website and applications are in production now and used by thousands of users daily

Software Engineering Trainee (Internship)

DirectFN Sri Lanka 2019 Feb - 2019 Aug

  • Profile Service
    Implemented a service called "profile service" for trading applications from start to end which tracks the user preference. (settings, states, customer watch lists etc.) From the design to the final product implemented by myself adhering to the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) standers. With this new enhancement, users can invoke their preferences across multiple devices, increasing user satisfaction with the apps.


Master of Informatics

Technical University of Munich


2023 - 2025

Bachelor of the Science of Engineering

Computer Engineering

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

2015 - 2020

G.C.E Advanced Level Examination 2014

Physical Science Stream (Mathematics)

Ananda College Colombo

2012 - 2014


Boursa Kuwait Website
Boursa Kuwait Tab
EmberJS Pure Javascript CSS/SCSS Cordova Google Analytics Google Firebase C3/D3 Charts NGINX
Boursa Kuwait Mobile
EmberJS Pure Javascript CSS/SCSS Cordova Google Analytics Google Firebase C3/D3 Charts NGINX
FNOTrader Website
ReactJS Redux Webpack Bootstrap Material UI TradingView Echarts Recharts HTML/CSS
RDB Bank Loan Orgination System(LOS)
NodeJS React TypeScript Hookstate OracleDB Material UI HTML/CSS Docker AWS
Workflow Engine of LOS
NodeJS ReactJS TypeScript ReactFlow Hookstate OracleDB Material UI HTML/CSS
Profile Service in KSA ABIC/ICAP Capital Applications
Javascript EmberJS JQuery HTML CSS/SCSS
Travel Blog
React Redux Material UI NodeJSX NodeJSX MongoDB JWT
